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By Mashilo Mojela 

The South West Gauteng TVET College’s National Certificate (Vocational) [NC(V)] class of 2023’s
Graduation Ceremony hosted at the Johannesburg Expo Centre (NASREC)on the 7 th June 2024 was
both a celebration of the academic milestone achieved and a testament to the inalienable right to
education that students have to change the socio-economic challenges in the country for the better.

The SWGC’s Annual Graduation Ceremony which always enjoys the support of DHET National and
Regional office, neighbouring sister colleges, invited guests and parents never disappoints to
produce the cohort of graduates who rise to the economic challenges and improve the lives and
livelihoods of all those affected. The attendees braved the cold weather to be part of a memorable
event in the life of an African child. The high number of students graduating each year only goes to
show SWGC’s excellent academic objectives and its Annual Performance Plan, namely Retention,
Pass and Certification rate.

According to the College SRC’s second female President, Tebogo Maphosa, the graduation ceremony
gives the graduates an opportune moment to reflect on their academic journey travelled celebration
of the milestone achieved and a provide a good vantage point of the possible future imagined. She
said that while it is important for the graduates to be jubilant and celebrate the end of the road, it is
equally important to brace themselves for the mammoth socio-economic tasks that lie ahead.
’’Today marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. As each individual steps out into
the world, carry the lessons learned, the friendships you have forged, the dreams you have
nurtured. Take the lessons you have learned and apply them to the challenges that you will face. Be
the change that you wish to see in the world’, SWGC’s current President said.

SWGC’s Principal, Joey Monyamane congratulated the NC (V) class of 2023 and commended them
for staying the cause until they realised their ultimate dream of graduating. He said that the country
is going through a very difficult transition post the 2024 general election characterised by
uncertainties and an unpredictable future. ’We wish to applaud the NC (V) class of 2023 for the hard
work, commitment and resilience. We have got no doubt in our minds that in you our country has
got alternative solutions to the many problems we are experiencing, including, loadshedding,
potholes, crimes etc, the Principal said.

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