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Ekit Latest News

Placements (Work Based Exposure & Work Integrated Learning)

  • Workplace based exposure for on course leaners to spend 5 – 15 days, it happens during college holidays.
  • Work integrated Learning for post NCV L4 and N6 Learners that have completed their studies in Business studies, Utilities studies and Engineering studies.
  • Lecturer Placement for industry exposure and transfer of new knowledge and skills for personal development.
  • Excursions for Business, utilities and engineering studies.
  • Placement for post qualification (National Nated Diploma).

Occupational Training Programmes

  • Short skills programmes – Built for a specific purpose to train and transfer skills on demand over 5 days to 6 Months period.
  • Learnership – A full qualification that integrates (Classroom theory, Simulation and workplace practical’s) over a period of 12 Months.
  • Apprenticeships – A 2–3-year structured learning programme that is directed at producing qualified technicians/artisans, the program will generally include a trade test.
  • RPL (Recognition of prior learning) – Is a process through which non-formal learning and informal learning are measured, mediated for recognition across different contexts, and certified against the requirements for credit, access, inclusion or advancement in the formal education and training system, or workplace.
Skills Programmes Learnership Apprenticeship Recognition of prior learning
Basic Baking L2, Plumbing L4 and Bricklaying L2
Environmental Practice L4, Pro – Coding L2, Generic Management L4, Professional cookery L4 and Wastewater and water reticulation services L4
Electrician, Welder, Mechanical Fitter, Millwright and Boilermaker.

Work readiness Programmes

  • Job Preparedness skills workshop.
  • Financial literacy skills workshop.
  • Entrepreneurship skills workshop.

Provide link to:

  • Workplace based experience (WBE).
  • Work integrated Learning (WIL).
  • Learnerships/Skills programmes/apprenticeship/Recognition of prior learning.

Partnerships and Linkages

  • Foster relationship with relevant private and public entities, Funders/Donors, NGO/NPO, Training Providers, host employers etc.
  • Building and Maintaining relationships with stakeholders

Centre for Entrepreneurship and SMME Development Hub: “START ONE TO CREATE ONE”

Motto: To encourage the young entrepreneurs to form part of the solution to a myriad of problems of unemployment and curb poverty, thereby creating a thread of multiple doors opened for and by themselves interweaving solutions best as they can be understood by themselves thus developing products that are fresher and relevant to the current market.

Hence the tag line “Start one To Create one” is befitting as it explicitly communicates precisely what is intended to be achieved.

It clearly states that young people can be the solution to their own fate which is currently bleak and worsening.

It therefore means they become involved in the development of the solutions from inception, transformation and realisation phase.

The creator of the business ensures less dependency on the state for employment and instead through their entrepreneurial efforts become state partners of employability and quality providers of products and services competing at the highest world standard.

These efforts are very key and paramount to the restoration of dignity of the young people and as they start an economic process that ultimately contributes to the economy of the country allowing them to lay clamancy of ownership to the improved living standards of the country citizenry.


Hustler’s corner

The Hub

The Den

Battle of ideas

Our services offered:

Business registrations

Business profile creation

Business plan development

Business advises

Incubation programmes

Mentorship programmes

Stakeholder linkages and relationships development management.




Trainings on offer:

Proposal Writing Public Sector Tendering

Self-Leadership and Ethics

Digital skills and tools for a growing business

Digital Marketing

Business Communication

Access to markets

Financial Management and Costing

Pitching of ideas training

Strategic Management

Ideation generation

Business Planning and Business Models

Inventory Management

Human Resource Management

Self-Leadership and Ethics

Compliance certificates applications (CSD, SARS, OHS, SABS, COIDA, ISO, NHBRC, CIBD)


Invoicing and Quotations

Business Insurance and access to markets.

 Product/service packaging

Compliance Clinic

Customer engagements

Information Technology (4IR)

Customer & Supplier relationship management

Project management and operations

logistics unique to business

Return on Investments



  • Accreditation is the external recognition of your adherence to a set of standards to perform an activity or hold a certain status.
  • Certificate/License to implement training in skills programmes, recognition of prior learning, learnership, apprenticeship, ect.
  • Accreditation in higher education is a collegial process based on self and peer assessment. Its purpose is the improvement of academic quality and public accountability. This continuing quality control process occurs usually every five to ten years.