Welcome Message to Students
Dear Students:
We are delighted to welcome you to South West Gauteng TVET College and excited by the return of our vibrant campus life! Whether you are beginning or continuing your educational journey with us, we look forward to learning, exploring, and growing together.
Throughout the pandemic (COVID-19), you have faced challenges and been called on to sacrifice significant rites of passage for the greater good of public health. During this time, we have appreciated your ability to adapt to an ever-evolving situation, and to find opportunities for growth amid the many changes. The 2022 academic year still holds some unknowns for us in light of the ongoing pandemic that is forever changes, and we will all have to remain, resilience, understanding and flexible amid unsolidified situation. Despite the unique circumstances, we are thrilled to have you with us on various campuses and in the classroom.
At South West Gauteng TVET College, you are part of a strong college community that values academic excellence and diversity. We are one of the biggest college in the country. We pride ourselves for being anti- Gender Based Violence (GVB), Equality, Non-racialism, non-sexism and opposition to xenophobia.
Paramount to the academic achievement and excellence at South West Gauteng TVET College; the College management, personnel and students promote and live mutual respect among one another and with the public and external stakeholders.
As a College dedicated to educating our future contributors and leaders, and learning from each other, we encourage one another to foster a community free of intolerance and discrimination, and to promote a campus climate that is respectful, civil, supportive, and safe. These core values allow us to provide a learning environment where we can all pursue our dreams and reach our highest potential.
On behalf of the College management, college council and staff members we are proud and honored to have you at South West Gauteng TVET College, We cannot wait to see you around our beautiful campuses!
SWGC-Period!!! Enough Said!!!
MJ Monyamane
Acting College Principal
South West Gauteng TVET College