2nd Trimester Applications have opened from 01 – 28 February 2025

Important Notice

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Ekit Latest News


  1. To provide quality technical and vocational education and training services which meet education and training quality assurance standards and increase academic achievement and success of students by about 10% per annum
  1. To have adequate infrastructure and systems which meet education and training quality assurance standards and OHS requirements in place to increase or optimize access, including that of people with disabilities and provide effective services to students
  1. To develop and increase partnerships (by 10% per annum) and maintain good stakeholder relations to increase and optimize the number of students who are adequately prepared to enter the labour market or further and higher learning opportunities in a 90%/10% split, annually, in relation to available funding
  2. To ensure continuous business excellence in terms of good corporate governance and effectual management of all college resources including the obtaining of clean annual external audits as well as 100 percent accurate and timely information and data reporting
  1. To monitor and evaluate all college processes and report quarterly on college performance
  1. To contribute to the deepening of democracy, equality, non-racialism, non-sexism and be responsive to the socio-economic needs of our students and the community.
  1. To inspire and develop our students (wholly)