Dear student of SWGC
For 16 years, I have had the God-given honour and privilege of leading SWGC, as Principal. During this time, I came into contact with thousands of wonderful students who had entrusted their education to SWGC. You are one of these students and I salute you as I bid you good-bye.
I recently started experiencing some health problems, which necessitated me to apply for early
I write this note to you to inform you that my last day as Principal of the college was 30 April, 2020,
to bid you good-bye and wish each of you well with your studies at SWGC and future endeavours.
My interest in and love for SWGC, will never end. By this, I also mean, I will continue to be
interested in your success and development.
I expect to meet and or read about many of you in different spheres of life where you will be
making notable strides. It is also my expectation that many of you will not only complete your
studies, which all of you must do, but will proceed to start own businesses and then invite me and
other college personnel to sit in the boards of your companies! That way, SWGC will have come full
You are, by the way, more than capable of thinking and dreaming big!
I plead with you to heed all the safety regulations and precautions aimed at ensuring that we all
survive and got through this most difficult and frightening moment of our time.
Do convey my good wishes to your parents and guardians.
May it always be: ‘Cool2be@SWGC’.
Keep the chant alive: ‘SWGC, Period! Enough Said!’
Dan L Nkosi
Outgoing Principal
Read Here full letter